Artem Trofimenko
Born: 1995, currently based in Cork, Ireland.
Education: Crawford College of Art & Design.
Exhibitions: Gallery Name Chapel Hill, F – Project Analogue Photography Exhibition, Group Show, Chapel Hill, Macroom, 23rd of July 2022.
Project Title: Song is Reality
My photographic research is in discovering moments when an everyday object, being recognised as symbolic, becomes a ‘dream object’. The rhyming of poetic images allows a glimpse at the undercurrent rhythms, serendipitous connections, drawing relationships between dream and waking world. A moment when a voice is distinguished, a point of convergence, quiddity.
Calligraphy 1
Calligraphy 2
Calligraphy 3
Chrysalis 1
Chrysalis 2
I Luminous 1
I Luminous 2
I Luminous 3
Something left but not forgotten 1
Something left but not forgotten 2
Something left but not forgotten 3
Something left but not forgotten 4
Eyes that dream 1
Eyes that dream 2
One of us shall stay 1
One of us shall stay 2
Fall 1
Fall 2
Fall 3